– Africa’s Top Forum for all African Countries to Discuss Issues that matter for Free

The Internet is a space for ideas to be pooled and shared and issues to be highlighted and discussed. There are various platforms that enable these often communal activities and one of the most popular pedestals is forums. Such a forum is It’s an open forum that caters to the people of the African continent – provides an opportunity for the people of the African nations to connect and discuss issues and the goings-on in the microcosms. provides the number one African information hub and forums for open discussions. Information that revolves around the African countries that is expanded and enriched by feedback by the people of Africa gives an opportunity for the African people to connect and propose solutions by People from Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Namibia, Gambia, Algeria Côte d’Ivoire, Botswana, Angola, Mozambique, Malawi, etc are all welcome to join the discussions already started on or create new ones and get people talking about things they care about. is also open to people across the globe who take an interest in the issues, happenings and developments in Africa to discuss about them, indulging in fact and opinion sharing in a civil and friendly way. is a great channel for anyone to discuss, learn and share everything African – is committed to keep the forum transparent and impartial to everyone participating.

For limitless posting of series of discussions on matters concerning Africa and general issues as well, all one needs to do is register at and then start participating in the informative and engaging discussions on issues that are close to the African homes and hearts.

Join the discussion today by registering at

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