Chanel Bags “Fashionista Must-Haves”, Says LuxTime DFO Handbags

GUANGZHOU, PRC – Jul 3rd, 2018 – Almost 110 years after its founding, the House of Chanel is as strong as ever in the fashion scene – and, according to a premiere Chinese high-end accessory online retailer, Chanel handbags, in particular, are highly sought after by fashionistas from all across the globe. LuxTime DFO Handbags, the go-to online shopping destination for women with nothing sort of impeccable taste, recently spoke of the lasting popularity of Chanel handbags, and their status as an iconic fashion item.

“Coco Chanel did not just establish a fashion powerhouse – she built a mythology around it that infused all Chanel branded goods with an aura of prestige” said Mr. Ray Lau, LuxTime DFO Handbags media representative. “As such, Chanel handbags are coveted accessories among the fashion crowd, and women of all ages consider them a smart choice for both business and casual outfits.”

“While, in the past, the classic Chanel flap bag was somewhat considered to be more suitable for conservative looks, its new variations, which have appeared during the last decade or so, seem to suggest otherwise. The introduction of the Boy Chanel Flap Bag and its many fashion forward designs, such as, for example, the Boy Chanel Flapbag with handle in black calfskin and bronze metal hardware, has inaugurated a new era for Chanel accessories. The young, hip Instagram influencer crowd is vying to get their hands on the latest Chanel handbag models, and sport them in envy-inducing posts where they clutch them while, say, casually walking down the street, or showcase them in their walk-in closets.”

“The same applies for the Chanel Chevron flap bag, clutch and pouch; the Chanel Classic Flap Bag, particularly its Jumbo sized model, and, most recently, Chanel Backpacks, which are highly popular across all age groups. The latter are often spotted even in young teen influencers’ accounts, and are on their way to becoming one of Chanel’s best-selling bags.”

LuxTime DFO Handbags’ full Chanel Bag range can be viewed here.

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