Specializing in debt collections for commercial cannabis. CannaBIZ charges no collection fees, ever.
There are some exceptional particularities that are involved when doing business in the industry of legal cannabis, hemp, and cbd. Many associates come straight from the recreational and medical cannabis promotions in Colorado; where there was previously a progression of wholesale growing, extraction, edible, and dispensary conglomerates that include some of the more common cannabis strains available.
The legal team at Cannabiz Collects has more than thirty year’s expertise in the field of commercial collections and has even represented many companies that are Fortune 500. The difference between Cannabiz Collect and other collection agencies is that the company is supervised unswervingly by the commercial attorney hired to do the job.
Cannabiz Collects uses the approach of expert tools such as skip tracing and other investigative resources available to learn all there is to know about the debtor in question. By learning all there is to know about a business, its management and employees, the easier it is to develop the appropriate collection plan.
Cannabiz Collects has proved throughout the years in the collection business the ability to collect debts. The professionals working for Cannabiz Collects works diligently to preserve the relationship with a client, devise a plan for repayment, and come to a settlement option with each debtor.
Dedicated to providing clients with the most speedy and superior service in collecting debt, Cannabiz Collects takes pride in the way the debt collecting professionals handle each case with the utmost suitable and expert methods. The agency handles all claims processing from the Atlanta office, with an expert network of attorneys, each familiar with the business of money-making cannabis claims.
If you are in need of reaching a settlement with your debtors of cannabis products, contact the professional debt collectors from Cannabiz Collects and discover how easily you will be on the path to a settlement and collection of the debt.
If you have been unable to come to a settlement offer with your debtors, despite all collection attempts, contact the professional team at Cannabiz Collects.
About Cannabiz Collects:
Cannabiz Collects is a collection agency in the business of collecting debt owed in the cannabis industry. The professional debt collectors are number one in the nation for collecting cannabis related debts.
The attorney working for Cannabiz Collects has more than 30 years experience representing Fortune 500 companies in the laws relating to accounts receivable and collections.
Media Contact
Company Name: CannaBIZ Collects
Contact Person: Ross Gelfand
Email: Send Email
Phone: (720) 724-7810
Address:205 Glenridge Close Circle
City: Atlanta
State: GA 30328
Country: United States
Website: https://www.cannabizcollects.com/blog