“Broken Wings” – A Heartwarming and Inspiring True Life Story

The release of “Broken Wings” has taken the literary world by storm, engaging readers with a narrative that’s compelling, motivating, and shows resilience. Penned down by Marjorie Glider,  this book weaves a tapestry of challenges and emotions that readers from all walks of life can relate to.

At the heart of this book is the story of Barry Glider, whose young mother fought THE SYSTEM all the way up to the White House. Barry has a brief stay on earth that’s impactful and inspires people around him to be determined to make a difference.

This book is being widely acclaimed as positive, unputdownable, and inspiring. Some of the reviews include:

“This true story allowed me a glimpse into the lives of Marge and Dennis during an immensely difficult time. I learned that no matter what happens to our children, grandchildren, or any other family member, God remains constant in His faithfulness. Throughout the story, I saw evidence of how God inspired others to help this family attempt to live a normal life. This story will encourage parents with sick children who are seeking help. The most important part is that our children, whether healthy or sick are not ours but have been given to us by our amazing, all-powerful creator, God, who never leaves us in our dark moments.

Thank you, Marge, for your willingness to continue your work in helping others with special needs children.”

“Broken Wings by Majorie Glider is a moving story about the short but extremely impactful life of Barry, the son of Dennis and Majorie Glider. Reading this story of the Gliders brought me to tears again and again. Majorie’s honesty throughout was amazing. Her determination to make a difference for profoundly impaired children and adults, even after the death of their son, has changed many lives and impacted a community.”

“This book was an amazing read. I picked it up and could not put it down! This is one to suck you in, and then it is suddenly 4 hours later and you haven’t stopped reading. What an adventure. Highly recommend.”

Broken Wings” is available in digital format and can be purchased on Amazon. Grab a copy and learn what it’s like for a family to face tragedy with grace and faith, changing laws and perceptions along the way.

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