Blue Moon Hemp was created in 2016 and is recognized as a leading producer of CBD consumer goods readily available in over 3000 stores worldwide. We believe this unique opportunity with Mr. Checkout will not only broaden our visibility, but aid in our ability to educate and guide consumer awareness to the importance of CBD in a health-driven age and culture. From anxiety to depression, pain to inflammation, the all-natural CBD approach to wellness is often considered miraculous when used as a daily regimen. The miracle is actually just science. Your body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) requires 15-25mg of CBD daily to be in balance. By utilizing CBD as part of your daily wellness regimen, you will naturally replenish the cannabinoids needed to keep in homeostasis.
Although Blue Moon Hemp’s award-winning tinctures have been a staple within our catalog, they are only one of our many offerings. Gummies, vaporizer juice, and salve have quickly gained popularity while providing profitable opportunities for our business partners. “We are a very diverse company. Not only from a product perspective, but within our talent pool. It takes a team to create a unique and consistent experience; our team is second to none. Whether you are speaking with a member of our B2B division or asking questions to a customer service rep, it only takes a brief moment to realize the passion everyone has for CBD. It’s remarkably contagious! We are excited to announce the partnership with Mr. Checkout, and look forward to executing a well-rounded distribution strategy,” says Shane Roberts, a key member of Blue Moon Hemp’s business development team who engineered the relationship with Mr. Checkout.
“When Shane brought me this deal from MR. Checkout, I was absolutely thrilled not only because of their great reputation, but because it fits our business strategy to a T. We built this business through brick and mortar relationships with the vape shops. Our branded acrylic displays, in-store collateral, digital advertising, store locator and social media integration all work in concert to promote brand awareness, drive traffic, and drive revenue. As I like to say, the best CBD is the one that sells the most – and that is unquestionably Blue Moon Hemp,” from Christopher Cowart, founder and CEO of Blue Moon Hemp.
Media Contact
Company Name: Blue Moon Hemp
Contact Person: Christopher Cowart
Email: Send Email
Phone: 954.802.8826
Country: United States