When Angels Die is a groundbreaking work of autobiographical fiction by bestselling author James Sniechowski. The third book in the Leaving Home Trilogy, the story follows Jim, a blossoming actor on the brink of success who is faced with an existential crisis – move toward a promising career in the theater, or surrender to the dark pull of his suffocating Catholic past. When Angels Die was named in the Faction category of the 2022 International Book Excellence Awards.
A multi-award-winning, bestselling author, Sniechowski was inspired to write When Angels Die to show readers the real-world identity struggles of his characters, and be moved to examine their own internal driving forces for the betterment of their own lives. “A life of freedom is not merely a longed-for fantasy, and does not lie in some unachievable realm, but is available in one’s very real, concrete life as long as one takes on the inevitable internal challenges that are necessary to set oneself free,” says Sniechowski, who holds a PhD in Philosophy and Psychology.
With philosophic and poetic overtones, When Angels Die is storytelling at its very best. The book takes the lead character, Jim, from a prestigious New York City acting school to early success in his career. With each new role, his Polish peasant Catholic upbringing threatens to unravel his soul. An existential rivalry ensues with one part pulling him toward the world and a life of deep self-expression and another part demanding abject submission to the primitive culture of his inner-city upbringing that views the world as treacherous, seductive, repulsive, and sinful. While working at a regional theater, he finds real love for the first time, and it is through love that Jim discovers his true path. Well-paced and expertly plotted, When Angels Die is a timeless story that transports readers from the theater stage to the universal stage. With uplifting themes of self-discovery, empowerment and freedom, the book reminds readers that every challenge in life is an opportunity to develop into one’s authentic self and find one’s rightful place in the world.
Sniechowski has received positive reviews from some of the most well-renowned literary organizations, authors, and reviewers around the world. Kirkus Reviews writes, “Jim’s character is deeply drawn, with his emotional turmoil cleverly captured by his inner voice that sometimes encourages and sometimes tauntingly cajoles. The author is especially talented at depicting the paradoxical mix of frustration and exhilaration that marks {his characters}.”
Readers interested in learning more about Sniechowski’s work are encouraged to watch a no-cost 3-Minute Video entitled, You Are A Miracle. www.YouAreAMiracle.net
A compelling, page-turning, profoundly moving story you won’t soon forget, When Angels Die is available in audio, indle, and paperback on Amazon and other online bookstores.
About the Author
James Sniechowski is the award-winning, bestselling author of the Leaving Home Trilogy, a series of literary fiction novels including Worship of Hollow Gods, An Ambition to Belong, and When Angels Die. Born and raised in inner-city Detroit, Sniechowski’s early life experiences surrounded him with deeply repressive cultural and religious dogma. Now, as a PhD psychologist, Sniechowski’s fiction writing has been compared with that of John Steinbeck and F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Connect with James Sniechowski:
Website: www.jamessniechowski.com
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Publicity Manager: Judith@judithandjim.com
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