Dedicated web hosting services are hard to come by. Nowadays, most services are simply too unreliable and are unable to meet the requirements set by their customers. As a result, one not only has to deal with a lot of downtime and a multitude of stability issues, but they often are forced to pay inflexible costs and additional fees to keep their website up and running.
This is something that OffshoreDedi hopes to eliminate, providing premium quality web hosting services to their customers without any of the unnecessary costs. They wish to uphold values like guaranteed uptime, privacy protection through proper use of DMCA, affordable pricing, and high quality through their new offshore hosting services. All of this is coupled with customer support that many customers have praised in the past.
As a result of these features, and their impeccable streaming servers, OffshoreDedi has earned the title of being one of the premier online offshore web hosting services based in Belize. They promise unparalleled customer support to their many users, and promise to resolve any and all issues that might occur such as the ignore server certificate error that many users have to deal with in other web hosting services. They are also known for providing free migrations.
They have recently changed their domains from to They wished to clarify this to make sure that none of their customers were confused with the recent changed.
Despite the change however, they plan on providing continuous support and streamlined service for all of their users.
They’ve stated that they quite deeply understand how difficult and stressful it can be to deal with a bad hosting company, and this is why they make it their duty to provide an option to migration freely, and without any charges. Their professional and dedicated team ensures that the entire process goes smoothly and that one doesn’t run into any major issues and that any smaller problems are dealt with quickly and effectively.
Over the course of their lifetime, they have been able to serve a number of different websites and strive to not only continue providing existing customers with great services and offers, but also making new links and connections with new users. Their competitive price is often the biggest attraction to their services, and is the reason why they are considered to be one of the premier options available for web hosting. These include the Shared plan, VPS hosting, and the Dedicated Plan for €19.99 annually, €6.99 per month, and €89 in a month respectively. Their Offshore Dedicated Server is one that is definitely worth a look.
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About OffshoreDedi:
OffshoreDedi is web hosting provider based in Belize. The offshore host aims to provide everyone around the globe with hosting services so that they can publish without any privacy glitches and with maximum freedom. Harassment or censorship are antonyms for the offshore VPS Host.
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Company Name: OffshoreDedi
Email: Send Email
City: Saskatoon
Country: Canada