The floating tourism industry is growing rapidly. Scott Rowles and the B&B Aboard team firmly believe that as the popularity of this industry grows, steps to reduce the impact on the environment need to be taken. The ocean is one of the world’s greatest resources and steps to protect this jewel can be done by outfitting the two boats in the fleet with self sustaining energy in order to take them off the grid.
Beginning just over a year ago in Clearwater, Florida, a simple idea of providing travelers a place to stay on the water has now flourished into a fleet of two boats that remain booked several months in advance.
In their extensive world wide journeys, the B&B Aboard team has learned the ease of solar, wind, and water power as well as harvesting fresh water directly from the sea. They have also seen the devastating effects of pollution and environmental disregard. They have made a conscious effort to make decisions that help the environment instead of hurting it.
Without giving up luxury or hurting the environment, the boats will be equipped with hot tubs, showers, outdoor movies, AC in all the rooms, and LED lights. Some of the changes already made to the boats include:
Sun shades block out 90% of the sun’s warming effect while still allowing guests to see through to the gorgeous view of the ocean.
High efficiency mini split cooling systems that consume about 50% of traditional compressor based air conditioners.
Upgrading of all the hot water systems to high efficiency instant heat technology.
Changing of all lighting to low consumption LED lights.
The beginning of a recycling program for boats prompting marinas to begin a recycling programs too.
Although these changes are a step in the right direction, if we are to be truly self-sufficient, we need the materials and technology to outfit both of the boats with solar panels and wind generators making them completely eco-friendly. We hope to do the following:
Acquire materials and build the aluminum support structure for the solar panels – THANKS TO A GENEROUS LOCAL INDIVIDUAL DONOR…..THIS IS ALREADY DONE!
Acquire materials and build the aluminum support structure for the wind generators.
Purchase and install solar panels along with wiring and junction boxes.
Purchase the inverters connected to battery banks that turn the green output into usable power.
The Indiegogo campaign, located on the web at, offers pledge levels from a $1 donation towards a Green planet to $7500, with rewards beginning at the $10 level with a bumper sticker and ending with a luxury exclusive stay on either boat. For more information, visit the Indiegogo page.
About Green Boat Initiative:
Green Boat Initiative is an effort to equip the B&B Aboard fleet with eco friendly technology.
Media Contact
Company Name: Green Boat Initiative
Contact Person: Scott Rowles
Phone: 239-465-1866
City: Clearwater
State: Florida
Country: United States