Bagez, an effective solution to the ultimate battle between plastic and climate change

The battle to save the environment has many crusaders. Governments, companies and billionaire environmentalists seeking to make great change. Zero-emission transportation along with new green environmentally friendly based products and packaging materials are just a few advances towards giving us freedom from fossil fuels.

From an individual’s perspective, you and me, find a cause, usually one close to heart, and try to make a change. We all find that something which makes us feel better. Causes have now moved toward environmental cleanup and long-term sustainability.  From zero waste lifestyles to local area clean-up communities. We pick a side and group and it feels good when others share our likes and concerns.

Environmental issues affect us all.

The pollution and damage caused by single-use plastics are shocking. GHG (Green House Gas) emissions cause global warming which fuels climate change that is now making us experience freak weather patterns, powerful wildfires and storms that grow ever more destructive and its just the start.

Both plastic and climate change are worldwide issues affecting the environment. But which of the two presents the greatest danger to me, my family and community is the question that concerns most of us?

So what do we do? Which side should you pick?

Can you really afford to pick a side?

Should you? And is there a winning or losing side?

So here it is super simple, minus complex jargon.

Conclusion on Plastic

Plastic is not the problem, its the single-use plastics that are the problem. The lack and failure of forwarding thinking, proper governance, procedures, regulations and tracking has resulted in a failed system that has led us past the point of no return  with no solution in sight.

Simply put, if you took the time and effort to recycle your waste as it moves through the process in place, it would literally MAKE NO DIFFERENCE and will often be shipped overseas to landfills or dump sites.

While approx 300 million tons are produced yearly, only about 9% of all plastic ever produced has been recycled. We are past the point of being able to collect it all up, but should it happen, it would create a new continent, as there is no real way to get rid of plastic on any large scale presently without causing more pollution. Micro-plastics, are the tiny particles of various products that break down, they do not decompose and are now found everywhere. There is no science we have to date that can solve plastic pollution.

Reduction or eliminating products which are not environmentally friendly or reusable seems to be the best option at present, till some science-fiction solution is devised.

Conclusion on Climate Change

From Governments to corporations and businesses the shift towards greener zero-emission platforms is quickly gaining ground. This is to address the GHG emissions and climate change issues, which would create bigger localized problems to deal with such as the devastation caused by natural disasters, hurricanes, floods and wildfires that have killed and displaced thousands and resulted in billions in damages.

The UN Report states we have about 15 years left to reduce or stop GHG emissions. Older regulation have helped control emissions and new advances in technology, better GHG capture process and with larger groups of people converting to lower carbon footprint lifestyles change is happening.

Our lifestyle moving forward should be focused on fixing and reusing items, reducing single-use plastics, and adopting greener alternatives.  But we cant fight the plastic problem and natural disasters together.

Climate change will cause catastrophic storms, food and water shortages and mass migration due to rising sea levels are just a few problems that will change the way we live.

When faced with two problems, logic states priority should be given to the issue that presents the greater threat and which can reach an achievable solution.

GHG emissions can be lowered with unified effort while plastic pollution has No Visible Solution presently.

For this reason:

The Winner Is Climate Change

You can give the best fight to combat climate change is by separating your organic waste. Make sure they do not contaminate other materials rendering everything garbage to be dumped in a landfill and cause GHG emissions. You may say “I already do my part, thank you”.

But it’s not enough, we have to do more, educate more, talk to our neighbors, we have to make it so there is no excuse to not separate organics. We have to pull more than our share to compensate for others, whose concerns are about daily living rather than sustainable living.

Two of biggest hurdles facing residential waste management are low participation rates and improper sorting.

Low  participation:

Yuck or ick factors such as bad smells caused by dirty messy liquids, maggots and bugs crawling all over, nasty bins with stubborn waste matter stuck to the walls, that attracts pests and rodents and can spread disease, These issues along with so many others make washing out bins a frequent disgusting chore. These issues stop people from using their bins effectively or at all.

To manage this, we have additional bins in the garage, which we line with a bag and dispose of it in the city provided wheelie bins when full.

This makes it easy for us to dump waste or all kinds and creates low participation and contaminated waste that ends up in landfills or gets incinerated. Studies show organics make up about 30-40% of all waste found in garbage bags.

Improper sorting:

The environment can wait, we are too busy with work, kids, chores and life. Convenience is always a factor to be considered when managing waste and often the cause of improper sorting.

Separating organic matter is becoming part of our lives. New awareness campaigns, new regulations, enforcement procedures and penalties going forward will be used to curb GHG emissions from the residential sectors.

Additionally, removal or elimination of any barriers that prevent residents from separating waste helps create a better recovery system.

So what if there was no longer any yucky problems. Disposing of waste becomes mess and hassle free. Would you make an effort to separate your organics? Would that make you do the right thing?

If everything to help you do the right thing and sort your waste was handed to you, no dirty bins to clean, No bad smelling bins, you save time and money, hygiene is improved to even recapturing garage space, what excuse would you use to not separate?

Bagez was created to take the mess and hassle out of disposing waste. With no dirty bins to deal with, separating waste does not become a problem. Without the concern of having to deal with a regular mess you can now easily sort and dispose waste.

Bagez easily allows any size bag to fit in your bins. Your waste can be now disposed directly, into the bag secured firmly by Bagez. This helps you remove all waste from the home while your bin does not get dirty. When your waste is collected weekly all of it is taken away in the bag, leaving you with fresh clean bins.

Bagez allows you to easily replace bags as needed when they reach capacity, and you never have to lift heavy bags, and risk them splitting.

The best thing about Bagez is its versatility. It can be used almost anywhere to turn bags into bins, making it easy for you to manage and dispose waste where ever you want. Its durable, simple and easy to set up, and will offer years of service.

Helping the environment is the responsibility of each and everyone of us, and it does not have to be hard and difficult. Bagez allows us to help the environment, quickly, easily and without any work. To make it easier on you, Bagez comes in three sizes Small, Medium and Large.

Now Available At A Super Limited Time Promotion

Available on Kickstarter at a 33% off.                      

Help share the convenience for a greener tomorrow. 

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