Author’s Tranquility Press Backs Dr. Rudy A Magnan’s Quest of Reinventing American Education

Author’s Tranquility Press Backs Dr. Rudy A Magnan’s Quest of Reinventing American Education
Cognitive psychology researcher, Rudy A Magnan, releases REINVENTING AMERICAN EDUCATION, an educational guide on how to enhance the learning experience through innovative thinking

Dr. Rudy A Magnan’s pursuit of challenging the status quo in the educational sector in America and probably across the globe recently received a boost following the backing coming from Author’s Tranquility Press for his book titled REINVENTING AMERICAN EDUCATION: Applying Innovative and Quality Thinking to Solving Problems in Education. The author leverages his years of experience as a researcher investigating documents about Leonardo’s mental processing to offer easy-to-implement yet effective tips to help develop a high level of cognitive functioning for students.

This book will hopefully create the necessary discussions in educational institutions from which some new ideas and directions will emerge in the future. We as teachers, educators, and parents are faced with a challenge. Our ability to meet this challenge will decide whether we as a nation can survive in a competitive “global village” and in a changing world.” – Dr. Rudy A Magnan.

Systems are evolving, with the fast-paced nature of technology and its inherent solutions sometimes making it difficult for people to stay on track. The situation is not particularly different in education, making it imperative for stakeholders in the system to strategize and define ways of making students global competitors. Consequently, Dr. Rudy is looking to lend a voice to the cause with the release of Reinventing American Education, focusing his work on the US and the country’s education system.

Dr. Rudy has seemingly dived into untested waters, exploring the concept of cognitive functioning and explaining how to develop an “unusual mental creative genius mind.” The author focuses on nature’s unique designs, explaining the importance of perception and providing information about the creative abilities of the likes of Albert Einstein and other renowned thinkers.

The purpose of this book is to present an alternative solution to a failing education model that no longer develops the minds of American children. We have ignored the importance of developing our most critical human resource which has stimulated our evolution. It was our ability to think in order to survive. But today children do not have the’ thinking skills’ necessary to cope with all the media bombardment emerging in this complex social environment. We must transform the current educational system into a new model that focuses on developing cognitive skills and abilities. I have devoted forty years in consulting and training educators in order to implement this transformation in European schools but American teacher unions have prevented this from happening in America.

Instead American schools have been transformed into indoctrination centers aimed at destroying the American Family, preventing parents to have any control over their child’s future mental/emotional development. These radical educators and teacher unions now seek to retard the children’s cognitive development by focusing on gender confusion and transformation. These radical attempts will further destroy children’s future cognitive development. We must reinvent our education model to secure America’s future survival.

REINVENTING AMERICAN EDUCATION: Applying Innovative and Quality Thinking to Solving Problems in Education is available on Amazon in hardcover and paperback formats for interested educators and parents.

For further information about REINVENTING AMERICAN EDUCATION and other books promoted and published by Author’s Tranquility Press, visit –

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