In 2021, we were allowed roughly 3.6 million opportunities to begin the journey of instilling a confident can-do attitude in our children. Each time a child is born, it becomes our duty, as moms, aunts, sisters, and grandmothers, to ensure that we provide a positive environment that encourages curiosity, communication and growth—but it is also believed that before this type of space can be provided to children, we must first create this space for ourselves.
There’s a saying “Do as I say, not as I do.” Contrary to the desired request, children will always do as we say and as we do. Life has taught all of us different lessons in different ways, but it’s definitely shown us all one thing— we must be intentional in what we speak because the words become our actions, our children’s actions, our grandchildren’s actions, and so on. If the ultimate goal is to create a legacy from the imprint we leave in the world, why not make it something amazing?
Take a closer look at these top tips to help children develop a positive attitude, while teaching them how to manage disappointment and failure.
Understanding the Power of the Words We Speak.
Positive programming begins at an early age when we don’t even realize that our kids are listening or watching us. As babies and toddlers, they mimic everything we do—the way we walk, talk, interact, reason, behave, and react. As parents, we are responsible for who children become as teens, young adults, and ultimately, adults, and we should not take this vital role for granted. There is power in how we speak, so understanding how our words impact us, our children and others around us will cause us to see things from a different point of view.
We should try to speak with a tone of respect and gratitude. If we want our children to grow up and be appreciative of all that we’ve done for them, we have to begin showing that same level of gratitude towards life now while they are still impressionable. Understanding that the words we speak hold power over your children’s future, it is wise to be the positive role model they need now so that when they age, they will already have ingrained within them the ability to see the positive side of life.
Understanding and Teaching the Power of “It’s OK”
In life, we want our children to have more, do more, enjoy more, and create more than we did. That’s absolutely great for a legacy; however, we must also introduce the power of “It’s OK” into our children’s mindsets to help them learn how to cope with disappointments and failure.
For a moment, take time to reflect on the last project that your child attempted. Did she/he succeed? If not, what was your reaction? Did you immediately step in and help them fix it to completion or did you allow them to start over as you offered encouraging words?
We must teach our children that it’s OK to not succeed at everything on the first try. It’s OK to give yourself grace as you learn a new concept. It’s OK to feel a bit disappointed that plans don’t always work the way we imagine they will. Teaching our children the power of “It’s OK” allows them to know that they can always get back up and start over. It also helps to strengthen their inner mental core and has a positive effect on their mental health, confidence, mindset, and decisions.
Understanding that Even Though They are Young, They Have Feelings and Emotions that Require an Outlet
Kids are people too, and just like you, they have feelings and emotions and, most times, have no idea how to process their feelings. Too many times, parents ignore how their kids are feeling, do not allow them to voice their emotions, or won’t acknowledge that they are little balls of emotions. This can be a result of many factors, i.e., parents not fully understanding their feelings, the generational cycle that has yet to be broken, hard-working parents who only want the best for their children, but also need to rest to keep going and the list goes on. We must tap into our children’s emotions and be intentional, each day, to sit and talk to our children without making them feel rushed to talk or a burden. Allowing children to vent is not only good for them, their mental health and physical health, but also turns your home into a haven for your entire family.
So, instead of telling our kids to “do as I say, not as I do”, let’s change that to say “do as I say and as I do” because you are the first and most vital role model in your child’s life. Do your part and help to birth a nation of empowered and courageous children.
Mogul Domination
Taking a break from the depressing headlines around the world is often good for the soul. Tameka Chapman had this same idea in mind when she fulfilled her ultimate dream in offering positive television programming that showcases culture, legacy and diversity with MOGUL TV Global Network. Partnered with Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, and directly on The MOGUL TV Global Network is already available to over 100 million viewers!
As CEO of Mogul Media, LLC ( and Creator & Founder of Mogul TV Global Network (, Chapman has attained her vision in offering empowering content that celebrates inclusion, uniqueness and life lessons through a variety of shows, live events and interviews that are showcased on the network.
In her company, as a business growth strategist, Chapman provides tips, tools, and strategies to transform women’s mindsets to achieve their business and life goals by showing them how to create, build and scale their businesses in her Mogul Domination online learning platform. Using her life as an example of what can be accomplished by dedicating mind, heart and actions to the forefront, Chapman walks women through the process of overcoming self-doubt, fear, and self-limiting beliefs so they can become fully equipped to persevere in pursuing the life they deserve to live.
“Female empowerment has always been and will always be a major part of who I am. As I became a young lady, there were times when I felt that I didn’t have a voice, even though I was championing for others to use theirs. I really wanted to believe that I had people in my life that made me feel comfortable enough to know that I wouldn’t be judged but loved. It took time to fully embrace my past, but once I did, I became unstoppable with empowering every woman that I met… Since that time, I’ve gone on to becoming a global speaker and having spoken in front of groups of up to 25K women, one thing still rings true—there is never too much women’s empowerment!” – Chapman
During a vision board party that she hosted in 2020, Chapman included her vision of creating a television network, with a great focus on female empowerment across the globe. Now, as the creator of the MOGUL TV Global Network, she is afforded the opportunity to offer programming that shines a light on positivity around the globe.
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