With a focus on “Adaptive Conveying” solutions, Alfacon manufactures material handling appliances that provide AGV’s (Automated Guided Vehicles) with the capability to perform tasks in addition to transporting product from A to B. The Alfacon appliance allows the mobile solution to provide functions that are typically required when receiving and releasing products during the material handling process. Alfacon AGV appliances are engineered to reside on and communicate to the AGV while built to the specification of the application. A wide variety of load types such as cartons, totes, bins, tubs, and pallets can be accommodated.
Robotic solutions are best suited to provide consistent results to repetitive operations. Most plant floor product transfers fit this criterion therefore it is both logical and optimal to implement an automated solution such as robotics. This form of automation is more justifiable than ever due to lower initial costs, quicker ROI’s, and solution modularity. E-commerce fulfillment centers today have completely altered the methodology of order picking by having AGV’s bring product to the packing area instead of an employee hiking through the warehouse hunting the products on each order. This change allows a high level of multitasking within the order fulfillment process with less labor as well as fewer errors.
The result of a well implemented mobile material handling solution can provide an effective use of floor space, just-in-time delivery, balancing/sequencing of material flow, lean processing, scalability, improved quality, ergonomics, and improved uptime. Typical examples include solutions designed to optimize inbound receiving, materials storage, work-in-process staging, picking, kitting, and shipping. Unlike off-the-shelf conveyor solutions, an industrial engineered approach to the development of each system solution provides a best-in-class process improvement solution.
To read more, go to: http://bit.ly/2KdJkjJ
Alfacon Solutions
Founded in 1983, Alfacon Solutions (www.alfaconsolutions.com) is a leading case and pallet conveyor handling systems company operating from a new facility in Milton, Ontario, Canada. Based in lean manufacturing principles, including best-practice value stream mapping and continuous improvement, the Alfacon team designs, engineers, manufactures, and installs complete material handling solutions.
Alfacon provides services to its customer base in the courier, retail, manufacturing, and industrial sectors. The company is a proud member of Conveyor and Sortation Systems (CSS), an Industry Group of MHI; Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB); MHI; and MHEDA.
The core values of Alfacon Solutions ensure a customer-centric approach to every project and drives the entire team to consistently deliver exceptional results. From experience, passion, and integrity to commitment, innovation, and on-time delivery dependability, Alfacon Solutions anticipates double digit growth year over year for the next decade. Follow on Twitter @AlfaconSolution.
Media Contact
Company Name: Alfacon Solutions
Contact Person: John Murdoch
Email: Send Email
Phone: (905) 203-0011
Address:180 Market Drive
City: Milton
State: Ontario, L9T 3H5
Country: Canada
Website: http://www.alfaconsolutions.com