2023 LED lighting market outlook: diversified development of road, vehicular and metauniverse

At the beginning of 2023, many Italian cities have replaced night lighting such as street lamps, and replaced traditional sodium lamps with high-efficient and energy-saving light sources such as LEDs. This will save the entire city at least 70% of the power consumption, and the lighting effect will also be improved. It can be seen that energy-saving products will accelerate the replacement speed in Italian cities.

According to the World Daily, the Bangkok Municipal Government has recently accelerated the repair of the lamppost and replaced the original street lamp with LED lamp. One of the emergency policies for 2023 formulated by the Mayor of Bangkok is to repair the lighting of local street lights. The Bangkok Municipal Government has a project to replace about 25000 high-pressure sodium lamps that have been used for two years and consumed a lot with LED lamps. At present, tens of thousands of all 400000 lamps under the management of the Bangkok Municipal Government are no longer on, so we urge the engineering office of the Bangkok Municipal Government to take action as soon as possible, with the goal of completing the work this month.

According to foreign media reports, California has passed the AB-2208 Act, which stipulates that on or after January 1, 2024, screw base or bayonet base compact fluorescent lamps will not be provided or sold as new products; On or after January 1, 2025, pin base compact fluorescent lamps and linear fluorescent lamps will not be provided, or will not be sold as newly manufactured products.

According to the British government’s climate change plan, it was decided to ban the sale of halogen bulbs from September. LED bulb is a more energy-saving alternative. In order to help people choose the most efficient bulbs, the energy labels that consumers see on the bulb packaging are changing. Now, they have given up the A+, A++and A++ratings, but have carried out the energy efficiency rating between A-G, and the most efficient bulbs are given the A rating. Anne-Marie Trevelyan, the UK’s energy minister, said that they were phasing out the old and inefficient halogen bulbs, which could quickly turn to LED bulbs with longer service life, which means less waste and a brighter and cleaner future for the UK.

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