Some Best & Legendary Borderlands 3 Weapons - Get These From The Beginning Of The Game

In the game of Borderlands 3, there are bazillions of randomly generated weapons, and o some extent, this is the most significant difference compared to the previous two editions, but the upcoming looter shooter still holds a number of handmade firearms that stand out above the rest, featuring custom-made perk and characteristics to make them become a necessity for all the Vault Hunter's ever-expanding the arsenal. Furthermore, for a lot of players, finding these weapons isn't necessarily a crapshoot, either, cause you know, most Borderlands 3 weapons can be acquired by completing some specific quests or we should say killing specific enemies across the planets like Pandora and beyond like Eden-6 planet.
Fortunately, we have already played the first three hours of this epic game, and meanwhile, we also have found a lot of low-level guns that you might need to track down during your very early leveling experience. Therefore, the guide to the best and legendary Borderlands 3 weapons we have found so far is to help you make a headstart on the game once it releases in September, 2019, with all the information any Vault Hunter needs on each weapon's stats, perks, and appearance, in addition to how you can get them.
Now let's take a look at these Borderlands 3 guns one by one (All guns listed in alphabetical order):
First of all is: Brashi's Dedication
Basic information about this weapon, check this image:
Method to get this: This reward comes from Vic for completing the Head Case task at the Holy Broadcast Center.
In order to compensate your brave efforts to save Vaugn's best friend from a VR chamber, you will be awarded this very fashionable sniper rifle, which not only features some damage-buffing perks but also lets the player switch between choosing either Shock or Corrosive elements to its victims. That makes Brashi's Dedication perfect for eating through enemy shields with Shock or metallic armour on robot enemy types with its Corrosive setting, as long as you have the awareness to keep switching between this two modes depending on the situation. What's more, the rifle also has two scopes for close-range combat and long-range combat, too, making Brashi's Dedication as one of the most versatile BL3 weapons you will find this early in the game stage.
The second one is: Butt Plug
Basic information about this weapon, check this image:
Method to get this: And about reward comes from Ellie for completing the Dump on Dumptruck side task in The Droughts (including bonus objective).
If you want to get Butt plug, a typical melee weapon in Borderlands 3 game, you will need to shoot a boss literally by the name of Dumptruck in the ass. And you should know that's inevitable, cause it is a part of Ellie's request as part of this whole bounty quest, and I have to admit it's pretty worthwhile for this pretty rare tier Jacobs revolver. You can not take this lightly due to the weapon's nerfed damage value is -86%, but that's more than even out by increases of 23% to reload speed and 110% to melee damage, this is perfect for up-close-and-personal fights and those with laser fast trigger fingers. In Borderlands 3 game description, it describes the Butt Plug in this way "works best from behind," which means it can take down most enemies with one-hit whenever you whack them in their rear end...well, and that's about it.
The third one is: The Big Succ
Basic information about this weapon, check this image:
Method to get this: You can have this powerful weapon through beginning the Skag Dog Days in The Droughts and then complete the very first objective.
And for this weapon, never be fooled by The Big Succ's foolish name and uncommon tier rating, cause you know, this quest-specific firearm is the first rifle you will find with an under-barrel grenade launcher, making it perfect for crowd control and area-of-effect multi-kills on those pesky swarms. And the main fire mode is, just fine, but as a matter of fact, the under-barrel uses the gun's combat rifle ammo, The Big Succ basically offers you access to a huge inventory of grenades beyond your usual handful of throwable explosives. All in all, use The Big Succ the correct way, you will be cutting through enemies just like a knife through warm butter, quite easy, right?
The fourth one is: The Killing Word
Basic information about this weapon, check this image:
Method to get this: This weapon is dropped by Mouthpiece in the Holy Broadcast Center as part of the Cult Following task.
Unluckily, The Killing Word is one of Borderlands 3's new, temporary Children of the Vault-based weapons, which finally break after repeated use over time. However, until that inevitable degradation, the repeater pistol boasts an unlimited magazine size, which is only slightly offset by its tendency to overheat if the trigger is held for too long. In any circumstance, this mini machine gun causes serious damage for the very short of time it lasts, and also, it looks super cool. Inspired by Mouthpiece himself, he is the first big boss in the game of Borderlands 3. And The Killing Word fires off neon rounds of sonic waves at enemies and lighting up any room like you are in a futurist dance floor.
Last but not least one is: The Leech
Basic information about this weapon, check this image:
Method to get this: This reward comes from Ellie for finishing the Taking Flight Task in The Droughts.
Now you should know that this Vladof pistol's alternate fire mode is an under-barrel taser gun, when you fire that, inflicts damage over time in addition to its initial impact shot. Alongside its primary fire mode's incendiary effects, makes it very useful when you against Pandora's living organisms, whose flesh does not take quite friendly to such elements. As you also can see from the above image that this powerful Leech also offers a 40% melee damage bonus, therefore, please make sure to get up close to the person when you have already got this epic tier handgun equipped. And of course, it could be picked up right before leaving Pandora for the first time, and this as part of the last main story task in The Droughts, and once you reach Level 7, it could be handled.
Apart from those powerful Borderlands 3 guns we have already discussed above, we also have some other weapons to show you guys and here we'd like to show you more directly, with some video clips. And remember, if you are interested in these weapons, why do not just collect them at the very beginning of this game (Weapons also listed in alphabetical order)?
The First One: Weapon Named: Annexed Vicious Bratchny
How should I say this weapon? I mean this Vladof rifle is just born for cleaning up critters in Borderlands 3 game. It fires two rounds per shot, and this weapon has three barrels — even though I usually only need one in such a situation. And this weapon is classified as a sniper rifle, but in fact, it's more of a magic wand that turns things inside out.
Now check how good the Annexed Vicious Bratchny is:
The Second One: Weapon Named: Engulfing Super Shredifier
Check this out, this large fellow is a quite efficient dinosaur shredder. Both chain gun barrels could be fired at the same time to cause more horrible damage.
The Third One: Weapon Named: True Callipeen
You must love this weapon because this fancy-pants rifle has a brisk 3 seconds reload time, and the critical hits ricochet a bullet into another enemy.
The Fourth One: Weapon Named: Turbo Rad Quickshot
After you throw this gun to reload turns it into a turret that keeps shooting until it's running out of ammo. In this video clip, you can not see that because I am just chucking it directly at this dinosaur's head, and it only explodes on impact.
And now here are all the powerful Borderlands 3 weapons I collected from various ways. And of course, just like I stated in the post, these weapons were found just during the very first several hours, so you will undoubtedly find more interesting weapons once this game launches on 13, September 2019. More convenient way, you can buy Borderlands 3 weapons at our store if you find it's too difficult to collect all the weapons you like. And if you think this post is too long, you can just check the video we posted at the top of this article.
Here to get more information about Borderlands 3 main characters trailer. And we will keep updating the latest news about Borderlands 3, so stay tuned!
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