Pierce Alexander Lilholt’s book “Are You Awake?” was released at major retailers on 1st May. The book is a first of its kind, consisting entirely of questions. The 326 pages book comes under the genre of Philosophy & Metaphysics.
It took the author more than three years to complete the book. This non-fiction book does not contain a single fact. It makes the readers question everything they know. The author has ensured that readers will spend many sleepless nights after going through this book. The book challenges the readers to find answers to the questions raised in the book. In short, this book is a journey to find the answers to all the questions raised in our lives. It is a kind of reawakening of the soul, delving deeper to understand whether the readers are awake.
“Even though I am the writer of this book, my mind is blown every time I read it. I aimed to do something different, and hence I wrote this book. The readers will agree that they have never seen anything like this before,” said Pierce.
The book is a hardcover and an e-book. “Are You Awake?” has been published by ULP Books, a subdivision of international entertainment company Universal Language Productions LLC.
The book is available as a hardcover and as an e-book: https://store.bookbaby.com/book/are-you-awake
For more details on Pierce Alexander Lilholt, visit www.piercealexanderlilholt.com
For updates follow him @piercelilholt on Twitter and Facebook.
About the Book “Are you Awake?”
Pierce Alexander Lilholt’s “Are You Awake?” was released on 1st May at major bookstores. The book is unique as it is entirely comprised of questions. The 326-page book belongs to the Philosophy & Metaphysics genre. The book contains thousands of questions and took the author more than three years to write. There is not a single fact in this non-fiction book. It makes the readers question everything they think they know.
Media Contact
Company Name: Universal Language Productions LLC
Contact Person: Pierce Alexander Lilholt
Email: Send Email
Country: United States
Website: www.universallanguageproductions.com