Dr. David Doriscar completed his Bachelor’s & MBA from Nova Southeastern University and his doctorate in leadership & Management at St. Thomas University. He has vast experience as the managing partner of a commodity investment firm, as well as a marketing &sales executive. He is also the Chief Relationship Officer at the Doriscar Capital Group, an organization that helps businesses get funding from micro-loans to North of a $100 million dollars. In his latest book “7 Things To Know About Getting Money For Your Business”, he shares key insights that help businesses to get alternative funding from investors. This book will enable the readers to understand the funder’s perspective so they can position and prepare themselves accordingly.
In this exclusive interview, Dr. David Doriscar talks more about his latest book and the important factors that help any business gain funding.
Interviewer: How did you get into this field?
Dr. Doriscar: I started my career in finance but after going into Academia for about 10 years, the opportunity to get back into the financial field to help so many businesses was too great of an opportunity to pass up. I also considered that I also had an opportunity to get into a field where Black Men are under-represented so I felt the need to not pass up on this opportunity.
Interviewer: What made you write this book?
Dr. Doriscar: Well I realize that many funders want to finance businesses and opportunities and Business owners also want the money. But there was a disconnect that needed to be bridged to help business owners get the alternative funding they needed. So I attempt to bridge that gap through this book.
Interviewer: What are the topics that you cover in this book?
Dr. Doriscar: The book is mainly focused on speaking to those aspiring to receive either traditional or alternative funding, to help them be more successful by learning these 7 things they should know as a foundational piece to their funding endeavors. The 7 chapters in the book are:
Ch1 Why you should get it when you don’t need it (that can be explained)
Ch 2: Why you should get the maximum Possible
Ch 3: The Denial of the Qualified
Ch 4: How knowing why you need it may help you get it
Ch 5: Why so Little or So much Interest
Ch 6: The three C’s of Funding
Ch 7:Documentation and its Connection to the interest Charged
Interviewer: Why do some good Businesses get denied funding?
Dr. Doriscar: One reason why many businesses get denied funding is that most funders are very niche. So if you have a good business that is not in the niche that a particular lender likes to play in, they will pass up on the opportunity regardless of how great you have been in your business.
Interviewer: What determines Interest?
Dr. Doriscar: That is a complicated question, but the interest charged usually has more to do with the borrower than it does the lender. If a borrower is classified as a low-risk file, then the interest would be lower. In the verisimilitude as your personal investment portfolio the lower the risk, the lower the return for you who are providing the funding and vice versa. This is why certain lenders specialize in more conservative situations and some which many consider alternative lenders specialized in funding the higher risk opportunities so that they may charge a higher interest rate.
Interviewer: How did your experience running the Doriscar Capital Group impacted your writing?
Dr. Doriscar: Well I am writing in great part due to my experience working with Businesses and realizing the gaps of understanding that I had to explain to many prospects. When I realize how many times certain principles needed to be explained over and over again, it inspired me to write the book. Doriscar Capital Group works with so many different funders, which allows us to find funding to fit the needs of the Business from micro-loans to North of 100 Million dollars. We understand the different preferences of each funder, and also understand some of the overarching themes. The book attempts to write about those elements that are prevailing tenants of the decision making process of most funders.
Media Contact
Company Name: Doriscar Capital Group
Contact Person: Dr. David Doriscar
Email: Send Email
Country: United States
Website: doriscarcapital.com