Communities in Duval County Schools support children

Communities in Duval County Schools support children
Communities In Schools of Jacksonville
In Jacksonville, Duval County schools’ homepage communities have helped over 110,000 students. In Duval County, two students out of every eight students live in poverty.

The Communities in schools help build a stronger, healthier, and more economically stable community by helping the students who face homelessness, hunger, racial inequity, and mental health. These students stay back in the communities in the schools.

They try to make a more independent society where every person is capable of reaching their greatest potential. Their results speak for them. Since 1990, communities in schools of Jacksonville have helped more than 110,000 individual students. Many of their students face serious academic challenges, social struggles, hunger, and homelessness. Their staffs work both inside and outside the classroom to make sure these students feel safe and find new paths to success through our case management, literacy, and after-school programs.

The case management division of the communities in the schools’ places full-time site coordinators directly on the Duval County website. Here they provide support for students who are at the risk of falling behind. They help these students in various manners using various methods. The programs in this division provide access to many important services. These programs include individual and group-session counseling, home visits, and coordinated parental involvement. The student enriches program is the original program that the communities in schools began in Jacksonville schools before twenty-five years. This program has a full-time site coordinator on school campuses throughout Duval County. They work individually with ninety to a hundred students. These students are counseled individually and in group sessions throughout the year. This enables them to realize their goals and provides them with the life skills they need.

Communities in Schools of Duval County funds the bridge to success program and provides site coordinators who can work with the students currently over-age for their grade level. The site coordinator addresses all barriers to graduation and provides support to the individuals. They help the students to get their graduation degrees on time. And make them ready to fulfill their college and career goals.

Achievers for life is a dropout prevention program. This is initiated, developed, and funded by United way of northeast Florida. The achievers for Life program targets sixth-standard students who have risk factors of school disengagement, including low GPAs and low FCAT scores.

According to the spokesperson, ‘I’ve received much support from communities in schools Duval County. They have provided several programs for my child and have helped greatly by recognizing and developing my child’s mental health.

Media Contact
Company Name: Communities In Schools of Jacksonville
Email: Send Email
Phone: (904) 344-3900
Address:532 Riverside Ave, Suite 3-OH
City: Jacksonville
State: Florida
Country: United States