Having been in practice since 1989, Chiropractor and Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Trina Doerfler continues to offer patients a more holistic approach to their healthcare needs, specializing in neurofeedback and naturopathic medicine at Seattle Healing Arts Center.
Founded by Fernando Vega, MD in 1982, Seattle Healing Arts Center was built on the premise of bringing together a variety of independent healing practitioners, which merged conventional and alternative methods of treatment, providing a more comprehensive approach to patients.
Dr. Doerfler’s practice has evolved over the course of her 24 years as a physician, becoming a combination of primary care and physical medicine. She uses bio identical hormones, anti-aging medicine and electroencephalography (EEG) neurofeedback along with naturopathic tools, such as targeted supplements and nutrition. Natural intervention, from a physiological perspective, is also used to address acute and chronic illnesses without pharmaceutical medicines.
Naturopathic medicine is a healthcare profession that focuses on helping patients attain a state of optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods. These methods encourage the patient’s intrinsic self-healing process. Naturopaths in Washington State are licensed in primary care, so there is a similar process as visiting a “regular” doctor. A medical history is obtained, next is an examination, followed by a diagnosis if needed. The difference lies in the treatment method. In primary care, naturopaths predominantly use food medicine, physical medicine, herbal and orthomolecular medicines (amino acids) and/or evidence- based nutriceuticals. Internal focusing techniques such as breathing and stress reduction are also often used.
“I came to the art and science of natural medicine out of deep belief and confidence in what healing is possible when the patient and the doctor collaborate with the principals of human physiology,” Dr. Doerfler said.
With more and more Americans turning to more natural, chemical-free lifestyles, the use of complementary and alternative medicines continue to rise.
For more information on Dr. Doerfler visit her website www.drtrinadoerfler.com
To learn more about Seattle Healing Arts Center go to www.seattlehealingarts.com
Media Contact
Company Name: Dr. Trina Doerfler D.C, N.D.
Contact Person: Dr. Trina Doerfler
Email: quantumneurocare@gmail.com
Phone: (206) 522-5646 ext. 1052
Address:6300 9th Ave NE #200
City: Seattle
State: WA
Country: United States
Website: www.drtrinadoerfler.com