Enjoy Donna Jean Gerrier’s breath-taking story about family love

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada – 23 October, 2017 – Family love is something that is very deep and strong. It is a bond that keeps family members together and helps them withstand any physical, emotional or spiritual challenges that come their way. They say ‘you only know someone that truly loves you if they stand by your side when you are down,’ this quote is illustrated evidently in Donna Jean Gerrier’s emotional story about family love titled ‘Eggs on the wall…for the love of family.’

Eggs on the Wall . . . For the Love of Family is about sacrifice, responsibility, and the compassion that Donna Jean had for her elderly parents. They embraced humour and a love of life, which was better than medicine.

Her mother was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. Her father, a Parkinsonian, cared for her mother until he suffered a stroke. This resulted in both parents being immobile and confined to wheelchairs. Donna Jean left a thriving career as well as her study of vocal performance and chose to be her parents’ main caregiver when their needs surpassed the home care mandate. The days unfolded from dealing with health care bureaucracy to managing her parents’ high-level care, hiring private workers, running a household, and managing the finances.

Their lives were not without outrageous experiences. Donna Jean tells an intriguing story of how her father nearly lost his life in Las Vegas and the horror she and her father lived through being arrested in Stockholm, Sweden. It was assumed they were Russian spies, as well as husband and wife.

The family dog, Sir Samwell, played a major part in their lives. Donna Jean continues her long-time passions to end violence against animals and women. She also advocates for stronger laws concerning their safety and rights. She shares how she sees the world today and emphasises the importance of supporting each other, avoiding isolation. 

This incredible story has so many underlying emotions that will give the reader Goosebumps after each page. It is available for purchase on Amazon using the link https://www.amazon.com/Eggs-Wall-Love-Family/dp/1452598789/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr= or on Barnes & Noble through the link https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/eggs-on-the-wall-for-the-love-of-family-donna-jean-gerrier/1125832898?ean=9781452598789 or through this bookstore https://www.balboapress.com/Bookstore/BookDetail.aspx?BookId=SKU-000526999


About the author

Donna Jean Gerrier is a retired speech-language pathologist and a classically-trained opera singer. She gave a recital, sang at Ottawa Opera and the chapel at the Crystal Cathedral in Los Angeles, California. She attended the London Academy of Dramatic Arts in London, England. Her love of the performing arts was recognised when she received the Governor General’s Medal for classical singing.

Donna Jean advocates for the empowerment of animals and women throughout the world. She believes that children are responsible for the care of their parents not the government, nursing staff or anyone else. Family looks after family at all costs. They are your flesh and blood. When we give to others, it is really us who receive the gift. She believes an animal touches you in a place deep within your soul where no human being can reach or trod. Their loyalty is more valuable than gilded gold.

In reading this story, Donna Jean’s vision is that readers will gather inspiration to take the first step to allow their dreams to manifest too. She feels everyone has a dream hidden within our being that is meant only for us to fulfill.

Donna Jean’s strong convictions and fierce determination, inherited from her parents, assisted her to survive a near-fatal automobile accident. Following seven months in the hospital and two years of rehabilitation, she fought relentlessly not to be placed in a nursing home and won the battle.

To learn more about her, please visit http://theeggsonthewall.com/

Social Media Contacts

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Donna-Jean-Gerrier-1120104861454628/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorDJgerrier

Tumblr:  http://authordonnajeangerrier.tumblr.com/

Pinterest:  https://www.pinterest.com/donnagerrier/

Media Contact
Company Name: Toplink Publishing
Contact Person: Donna Jean Gerrier
Email: contact@toplinkpublishing.com
Phone: 888-375-9818
City: Kelly
State: NC
Country: United States
Website: http://theeggsonthewall.com/